Zero-Waste, Plastic-Free Online Grocery Store Opens in South Africa

plastic free

It’s no secret that plastic waste is destroying the environment; in fact, the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ is estimated to cover an area larger than South Africa and Zimbabwe combined! We’ll let that sink in. In South Africa 94 percent of all litter found on the beach is made from plastic, of which 77 percent is packaging. Luckily, South Africans are acting fast and the plastic-free, zero waste grocery shopping trend has really taken off in big cities like Cape Town and Joburg. Of course,  since the trend is just taking off, plastic-free grocery shops can still be a little hard to come by, which is why the launch of The Refillery is so darn exciting. Forget hunting down your closest packaging-free shop, this online zero-waste, plastic-free grocery store brings the shop to you, making it easier than ever before to be an environmentally-friendly warrior.

In an effort to reduce the amount of waste we produce, The Refillery allows customers to restock pantry items and lifestyle products in a sustainable manner that’s packaging-free and better for the earth. At their brick and mortar store in Johannesburg, The Refillery offers a friendly grocery shopping experience using a weigh-and-pay system: BYOJ – Bring Your Own Jar! And now, in a rather genius move, the store also offers a home delivery and refilling service, as well as a call and collect service, making it easier for the convenience-seeking, environmentally-conscious customer to refill their pantry and work towards a totally waste-free lifestyle.

The Refillery

The planet-friendly online store helps customers stock and re-stock their pantry with the highest quality, ethically-sourced products without all that wasteful packaging normally associated with a trip to the grocery store. Instead of plastic-wrapped lettuce heads and peanut butter in plastic jars, here you’ll find products sold ‘Old-school-style’ in jars and paper.

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On their virtual shelves you’ll find a variety of eco-friendly, ethically sourced products available in bulk for you to buy as much or as little as you need. Think reusable containers and produce bags; pantry staples; snacks and sweets; super foods and spices; and zero-waste lifestyle products like toothbrushes, soap and stainless steel straws.

To shop The Refillery’s online store, click here.

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