Why You Should Consider Joining an Online Fitness Community


As people grow older, health and fitness move up the priority list significantly. But, there has also been a significant shift in home-based workouts and fitness over the last few years. The home has become a hub for everything from work to workouts, and online fitness communities are booming.  Collective health consciousness is indeed upon us, and it takes a different form for everyone.

If you prefer moving the couch back, pulling out a mat and following along to a fitness video on your WiFi-enabled smart TV or smartphone, then maybe it’s time to join an online fitness community. Research is undisputed — people who work out together are more likely to reach their goals than those who do it alone. Joining a community of like-minded fitness enthusiasts can have positive effects on your health and fitness goals.

Rush and Recover 2020

By joining an online fitness community, you can enjoy the social aspect of fitness while still also being challenged and encouraged and from the comfort of your home. Home workouts can prove to be more convenient for many people who are short on time, whether it be because of family or work commitments.

Home workouts became more common during the Covid-19 lockdowns and video content consumption increased dramatically. Video content offered a great way to stay connected and motivated when the world seemed to be more isolated than ever. These connections remained after the restrictions were eased up because they serve a far bigger purpose than allowing fitness lovers the opportunity to
workout from their homes.

Under Armour Iso-Chill

Fitness specialist and Under Armour athlete, Thabang Dladla says online fitness communities have become essential. They provide support, teamwork, belonging and accountability. He began coaching clients online, in 2020 — it was the thick of lockdown, and he longed for a connection with like-minded people, and wanted to bring the fun back into fitness. He has maintained these relationships over the past two years and says some of his clients have become family.

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“I got the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and connect. Most of them are like family. We engage on a personal level – they advise me on business, life, and even academics. It’s gone beyond fitness,” he says. Dladla, who goes by @fitnessbangsa on social media says everyone should do some form of exercise on a regular basis. “The benefits are plenty, from getting a boost in energy, an improved sex life to combating health conditions and controlling weight.”

Thabang Dladla
Thabang Dladla.

Much like Dladla, runner and Under Armour athlete Tumi Sole has a popular social media following of fitness enthusiasts who enjoy running. #RunWithTumiSole is a popular hashtag on Twitter and Instagram that keeps followers engaged and accountable. They check in with their run times after every run and are met with encouragement and congratulatory messages. The community comes together from time to time through Under Armour events that are designed to give fitness lovers an opportunity to engage in a fun and exhilarating way.

Whether you’re hitting the road for solo runs or are exercising from the comfort of your lounge with home gym equipment, joining an online fitness community is a great way to connect with people across the country or even the globe, and share stories, tips, and insights on your health and fitness journey.

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