Want to Buy a Few Things off eBay at the Same Time? Here’s the Solution

From rare sneakers and collectable toys to pre-loved gadgets and unwanted gifts, eBay not only has everything, but incredible prices too. Anyone who has shopped on eBay knows the sales and gems that are available on the colossal shopping platform; and whether you’re buying outright or bidding for items, getting your goods is always a great feeling. There are two problems though: sometimes the seller doesn’t ship to South Africa, and what do you do if you want two items from different sellers?

You see, unlike other online stores, you’re buying from private sellers, so even if you find something you’re desperate for, they may not do postage to SA, and secondly, if you find another desired thing from a second seller, you’ll have to send the two in completely different packages, which means more cost and more complications.

Ensure your eBay orders make it to South Africa

The solution to opening up the figurative doors to eBay, allowing you to now shop for anything you see on the US or UK eBay marketplaces, and combining multiple orders in one easy swoop, is Postbox Courier.

With Postbox Courier, you get a personal postbox address in New York City, London, and other hubs across the world. You can then use this address to ask the eBay seller to send the package there, and the trusty team at Postbox Courier will ensure to get it from there right back here to your doorstep in the good ole Republic.

And to solve the issue of buying multiple things, you can combine orders at the depots before sending them to SA, so that means you can bundle a handful of orders from eBay and other online stores, like Amazon or Asos, before consolidating them and sending it over.

Postbox Courier

See Also

Postbox Courier is FREE to sign-up, and they’ve even got a handy calculator on their homepage to let you estimate what your shipping costs will be.

Postbox Courier

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