Vida e Caffè Introduces Recyclable Coffee Capsules

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Coffee is quickly becoming the beverage most likely to replace water in the hierarchy of what people absolutely can’t live without. A few brands have coffee capsule machines out and they’re doing a roaring trade – and famous coffee South African coffee chain Vida, who has had a foot in the capsule world, have decided to take things to a step further with a new range of environmentally friendly recyclable coffee capsules.

The first and most important part of their in-home coffee experience is their Constellation of Coffee collection, which not only provides a range of tastes to suit whatever you feel like, but comes in fully recyclable capsules, which is the really impressive part. Coffee capsules are likely thrown out by the thousands every day throughout South Africa and having a recyclable option to turn to is great for environmentally conscious.

Their social responsibility program has partnered up with Trufflex, which handles the recycling process after customers bring their used capsules to a store for collection.

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For their machine itself, they’ve teamed up with renowned appliance brand Russell Hobbs – which will be launching the Galaxia Coffee Capsule Machine, which has a two-year warranty. And for those who don’t like their coffee without some embellishment, there’s the Completo Milk Frother that will make a good buddy to the Galaxia.

Complete coffee addict that’s been wishing for the Vida experience right at home? They’ve granted your wish!

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