Postbox Courier Makes Getting International Goods to SA Easy Peasy!

Toys ‘R Us has just recently gone bankrupt – bringing about a stunning and unfortunate end to what was once a household name. Closer to home, Stuttafords suffered a similar fate, and unfortunately, brick-and-mortar stores are all having a difficult time of it of late. The reason? Online stores.
The simple fact of the matter is that online shopping offers several benefits that physical stores struggle to compete with. Before the mass use of Internet-based services if you wanted a product you’d have to rely on a shop in your vicinity stocking it, but if something is for sale online virtually anyone with an internet connection has access to it.
However, there’s a small snag – delivery destinations. For various reasons not every online retailer ships to every location in the world, so while you might be able to theoretically purchase those sneakers you’ve been looking for forever, or you’ve found that old-school PS1 game, getting it to South Africa isn’t always possible.
Luckily, Postbox Courier offers a service that can make that inconvenience go away. They specialise in getting parcels from the US, UK, Australia, and China to South Africa. This way, if you’re buying from an online retailer in one of those countries that don’t ship here, PostBox Courier will be the intermediary that gets it to you.
The even better news is that registering with Postbox Courier is FREE, quick and easy and once you’ve registered you’ll get your very own delivery address in the UK, Hong Kong, US and Australia. Then, when it comes time to shop all you need to do is have your goods delivered to your most appropriate address.
Plus, if you’re not sure what the cost will be to import you can just drop them an email at with your wishlist and they will calculate how much you will have to pay in import charges and courier fees – this will help you decide on whether or not to purchase.