Lucky Numbers in Different Cultures Around the World

In different cultures throughout the world, certain numbers are considered lucky. These beliefs may be seen by some as simply superstition, but others take them very seriously. Lucky numbers are most often used by those playing the lottery.
Lucky Number 7
The number 7 is considered a lucky number in countries such as Netherland, the U.K., France, China and the U.S. One of the reasons the number is considered lucky is due to the fact that the ancient world has 7 wonders and 7 planets.
The Chinese culture embraces the number seven because it unites the five elements of the world with yin and yang. This is a belief held within the confines of Confucianism. In addition, Chinese culture associates 7 with harmony and togetherness.
Lucky Number 3
In the U.S., China, Italy, and Sweden, 3 is considered a lucky number. Its popularity within the Chinese culture is attributed to the fact that many philosophers have made famous several sayings that include the number 3.
One of the sayings in Sweden that qualifies 3 as a lucky number is that everything that is good comes in threes. The Italian culture considers 3 a lucky number because it is said to represent a triangle. In Italy, triangles are a well-known symbol for balance and strength.
In China, the number three is pronounced as san. It is thought to sound like the Chinese word for ‘birth.’ But 3 is also considered lucky because Chinese culture highly values life’s three stages; birth, marriage, and death.
Lucky Number 8
Particularly in China, the number 8 is regarded as lucky. Chinese culture states that the number is connected to wealth, and therefore, is considered luckier than any other number. The Chinese pronunciation of eight translates to getting rich quick, and being wealthy.
Because of the number’s value, many important events held in China are held or start on the eighth of a month. One example of this is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony. The event was held on August 8, 2008, with the festivities starting at exactly 8:08 and 8 seconds. Traditional and modern Chinese cultures both consider 8 a lucky number.
Lucky Number 9
Norway considers 9 to be a lucky number. This is because the number is often associated with mythology. It is also considered lucky because the number 9 is part of the Holy Trinity, which is the origin of the phrase ‘on cloud 9.’
Norse culture also states that 9 is a lucky number. It is used in many Greek myths, such as the presence of nine Muses. The number is also considered lucky in this culture because there are nine twists that the River Styx flows around.
One culture’s lucky number is often another culture’s unlucky number. However, virtually every culture has numbers that are considered to be lucky. These numbers are often incorporated into traditions, rituals, and sometimes even myths and legends. Lucky numbers are highly valued by people in every country in the world.