Kimberly-Clark Partners with SA Guide Dog Association to Launch Innovative New Kleenex Product

Perhaps most well known for its luxurious Baby Soft toilet tissue range, and the brand’s adorable mascot, the Baby Soft puppy, Kimberly-Clark is back with an innovative new product and an exciting new partnership with the Guide Dog Association of South Africa. The commercial brand of Baby Soft, Kleenex celebrates the launch of a new-look 2 ply Kleenex toilet tissue which promises to make breaks to the loo more luxurious than ever before.

Incorporating the brand’s innovative Soft Wave embosser technology, which delivers a softer feel and superior absorbency, the new 2 ply Kleenex toilet tissue sees Kimberly-Clark bring its latest technologies into the development of a whole new washroom experience for customers. Kimberly-Clark Professional General Manager for South Africa, Debbie Hassett, says “the toilet tissue has been embossed with a wavy pattern, alternating with the trademark Baby Soft puppy. The wavy pattern plays an instrumental role in delivering a softer feel and improving the absorbency levels of the product.”

Gide Dog Association

To celebrate the launch of its new bathroom tissue, Kimberly-Clark is partnering with the Guide Dog Association of South Africa. “Partnering with the Guide Dog Association makes sense to us given the caring work the organisation does for visually impaired people in South Africa,” says Hassett. For this new partnership, Kimberly-Clark Professional will be assisting the Guide Dogs Association of South Africa by donating toilet paper monthly and as well as some dispensers. In addition to regular donations, the company will also help spread awareness of the Guide Dog Association by including its message in their marketing activities and spreading awareness of the association with their network of distributors and clients.

See Also

Founded in 1953 by Gladys Evans, The South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind aims to enhance the mobility and independence of people who have visual, physical and developmental needs through the use of guide dogs. The South African Guide-Dogs Association trains between 40 and 60 working dogs per year and relies heavily on sponsorship and donations to fund the cost of breeding and training its guide dogs. It costs approximately R80,000 to R100,000 to train a working dog with their owner and to provide a follow-up service for the working life of the dog, making partnerships with companies like Kimberly-Clark Professional all the more important in sustaining the incredible work they do.

For more information on The Guide of Association of South Africa click here

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