In a Post-Post Office South Africa, What’s the Best Way to Get International Orders?


Well, the once beloved and efficient South African Post Office is essentially on life-support. Surviving on its last breath in business rescue for the last year or so, SAPO has been basically been placed on the guillotine by the South African government, closing 366 branches permanently, and the potential for further closures if the situation doesn’t improve. This marks an end to the state-run postal option for South Africans as we currently know it.

Of course, it’s not the end of the story, as the government is looking for partnerships within the private sector to help with the management and operations of SAPO; but for the most part, there may be some serious disruptions ahead.

With that said, the closure of post offices has the knock-on effect of affecting many people’s basic services, but the ability to receive or send goods is a notable concern.

The good news is that there are other ways of ensuring that you get your international orders to your door safely, and in reasonable time. South African-owned Postbox Courier, a courier service which not only opens the door to stores in the US, UK, and more that usually don’t ship to SA, but also allows you to bundle orders together, saving you from having to individually ship multiple items (and paying multiple customs costs).

Postbox Courier

Having the ability to shop on the big-name retailers in the US or UK — like Amazon, BestBuy, and Walmart — will help you find some seriously tempting deals, with everything from tech, fashion, and gaming goods being discounted regularly. You’ll often find a solid special, even taking into account the customs duties and import fees.

See Also

With Postbox Courier, you get a personal postbox address in New York City, London, and other hubs across the world. You can then use this address during checkout when shopping on an international retailer to send the package there, and the trusty team at Postbox Courier will ensure to get it from there right back here to your doorstep in SA.

To find out more about Postbox Courier and just how easy the service is to use, visit the Postbox Courier website here.

Postbox Courier

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