How to Prepare to Breastfeed

Today, no one doubts that breastfeeding is useful. Preparations should begin before a baby is born. The expectant mother should attend classes in the women’s clinic, where they will tell and show how to prepare the breast for breastfeeding, how to properly feed a kid, how to prevent cracked nipples, and what to do if lactation fails.

Breast milk is an ideal food for a newborn

  • It’s easily assimilated by a kid’s organism.
  • It protects a baby from various infections, allergic reactions, and diseases, promotes the formation of its immune system.
  • Breast milk ensures the growth and development of a child, due to the presence in human milk of a complex of. biologically active substances (hormones, enzymes, growth factors, immune factors, etc.).
  • It promotes the development of a positive psycho-emotional state and a sense of security.

Virtually every woman can fully meet her baby’s need for milk. And yet there are situations when breast milk is not enough for a newborn. In such a case, you should consider alternative feeding and have some baby formula. There are several types of formula – liquid and dry powder. You can have some dry powder formula because it has a longer shelf life. Even if you plan to breastfeed you still have to carefully select a trustworthy formula manufacturer such as Holle Formula which is on the list of the best organic feeding for infants.

Breastfeeding issues can occur at any time during lactation. Usually, it happens during the first days after birth, when milk is not produced quickly enough. Breastfeeding does not require special diets. However, it is important to remember that nutrition should be high in calories and balanced in proteins, essential amino acids, fats, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. It is also necessary to pay attention to the drinking regime. It should be sufficiently voluminous, but not excessive.

To ensure the lactation process will pass fine, you need to take care of the feeding position beforehand. Check all the possible positions to find the one you are comfortable in. Make sure you have all the needed stuff at hand in order not to disturb the feeding process.

See Also

Be ready that milk couldn’t be enough for one feeding process so you can prepare a bit of formula in advance. You can try the HiPP formula which is made according to the kid’s nutritious needs following the strict production rules.

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