How to Get A Personal Postbox Address in New York City, London & More!

If Black Friday taught us anything, it’s that some of the very-best deals aren’t available within the borders of South Africa; but that doesn’t mean that we South Africans have to miss out. After an exhausting Black Friday shopping extravaganza, the shopping for the year isn’t done yet, not by a long shot. In fact, Black Friday just serves as a nice retail therapy warm-up for the most important shopping event of the year…Christmas. Before it’s time to get jolly, it’s time to get gifts.
Obviously online shopping is becoming the destination of choice more and more – and South Africa is catching up quickly when it comes to international online retailing standards. That being said, sometimes the ideal product or gifts you’d want to order simply aren’t available via SA sites and you’ll have to use an international site – of course, there are caveats to using these.
Many international online stores still don’t ship to South Africa (crazy, right!?), but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a reliable courier deliver your gifts to you anyways.
That’s where Postbox Courier comes in; they effectively give you the ability to have a PO Box in a number of major countries all over the world:
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- United Arab Emirates
- Australia
- Hong Kong
By using their service (which is FREE to sign-up), you get access to that address when you purchase something from a website based in any of those regions, and then Postbox Courier will securely ship your parcel to your address back in the good ole Republic. They’ve even got a handy calculator on their homepage to let you estimate what your shipping costs will be.
That weird whiskey your one uncle asked for? Niche hobby gifts for the kids? That insanely expensive Japanese denim brand you like? One or two of the gifts you’ll try and buy this holiday season might simply not ship to South Africa from their site, but Postbox Courier can make it happen!