How Social Media Can Impact a Relationship

Of course, we all love our Facebook page, a platform where we see what family and friends are up to and we add friends and occasionally unfriend people. What began as a digital platform for Yale students turned into a global phenomenon and today, we can enjoy live video calls with any of your social media contacts, we can share images, text and video; most people are an open book on social media, as they are proud of their life and the people they know.
Potential relationship issues
With the good must come the bad and some potential problems can arise from social media. Such as a partner adding or ‘friending’ people of the opposite sex who could cause jealousy and or questions about one’s own relationship. These types of scenarios are, unfortunately, all too common, although everything depends on the strength of the relationship. If both are fine with opposite-sex interaction on social media, the problem will not arise.
Spending too much time on social media platforms
Imagine how you would feel if your partner always had their eyes on their smartphone screen. Maybe it happens already — a lot of couples have issues with one party spending too much time online; if both are social media addicts, they would likely drift apart. Spending too much time on social media might be an outlet for a person who is bored, in which case, surprise her with a bottle of wine, chocolates and one of those cool vibrators you can order online. Visit a leading site and choose items to add some spice to your sex life; it is crucial to maintain a healthy sexual relationship.
Gossip and rumours
It might not surprise you to learn that there are people who surf the web purely to cause problems — keyboard warriors who love to create fake profiles and send them to men’s feeds just to spark a jealous rift. There have always been folk that gossip and spread rumours and now they can spread their negativity on the web; the best treatment is to block such users and even report them if it goes too far.
Fake people
There are numerous reasons a person might create a fake profile on social media, most commonly being that they are likely bored with their current life and are looking for an escape. We have all seen documentaries about a person who started out creating a fake Facebook profile and ended up leading two separate lives (think Catfish), which sometimes goes on for a few years until both women finally meet. Then there are the romance scammers, who are in it for the money; thousands of men and women have fallen prey to a scam artist who grooms them and steadily extracts money with the promise of a face-to-face meeting sometime in the near future, which often never comes.
Social media is fine for most people and if you use common sense, it shouldn’t impact your relationship. A couple with no secrets who are open can enjoy the many benefits of social groups