Luxe or Less: 3 Affordable Swaps for Trendy Beauty Products [Review]

Beauty products

Every month loads of new and exciting beauty products hit the market, but sadly we don’t all have the budgets to splash out on each and every product that catches our fancy. Especially when said products come with a hefty price tag. I am a firm believer in paying for good quality and investing in beauty products that work but sometimes you don’t have to splurge to get the results you want from a beauty product. There are loads of clever, and more affordable copies out there to choose from – but how do you know what’s a suitable alternative and what’s not?  I decided to test out of some most sought-after luxury beauty products and their cheaper counterparts so you don’t have to! Here are 5 Affordable Swaps for Trendy Beauty Products.

1. Tangle Teezer VS Clicks Detangling Brush

Tangle Teezer

If you have thick or unruly hair then you have no doubt discovered the joys of Tangle Teezer detangling brushes. They’re a lifesaver in the shower and even professional hair salons use them to comb out their client’s hair after washing. So what’s the problem? At R200 for the original detangling brush, they’re not exactly as cheap as chips. But it’s not all doom and gloom – savvy savers can opt to buy the much, much cheaper version at just R24.95 at Clicks store nationwide.

The verdict: I’ve been obsessed with my Tangle Teezer for years now and I must admit this cheaper version isn’t as incredible as the real deal – but what do you exect for R25? While the brushes have a similar build in terms of hand feel and size, you can feel the difference when you’re handling the Tangle Teezer. It just fits into your hand better and the bristles are of a much higher quality. They also glide through knots like a hot knife through butter. The Tangle Teezer bristles are tough and can even be used while you’re drying your hair whereas the Clicks version warps easily when exposed to heat. The bristles also aren’t as long as the Tangle Teezer and don’t detangle as well.

Save or splurge? Splurge! The Tangle Teezer detangling brush is definitely worth the splurge. I still use my Clicks version but only for travelling when I don’t want to risk losing my Tangle Teezer brush. Click here to buy the original Tangle Teezer now or here for the Clicks version

2. EOS Lipbalm VS. Dis-Chem, Dexe Lip Balm  VS. Clicks Oh So Heavenly Bubble Balm

EOS Lipbalm
Left: EOS Bubble Lip balm. Right: Dis-Chem Dexe Bubble Lip balm.

If you know anything about beauty trends then you have no doubt heard of the super popular EOS bubble or sphere-shaped lip balms. The lip balms comes in a cute bubble-shaped container and the balm itself has a curved shape to make it easier to apply to lips. Sadly, EOS bubble balms are only available through select online stores and cost a pretty penny. Priced between R110 and R150, not everyone can afford one of these fabulous balms. Enter Clicks and Dis-Chem! Both retailers sell a more affordable version of the EOS balms and we can’t thank them enough. Visit your nearest Dis-Chem for a Dexe Bubble Lip Balm in Honey Peach, Strawberry, and Lemon (R49.99 each) or Clicks for the Oh So Heavenly bubble balms in Strawberry Smooch, Cupcake Kisses or Chocolate Caress (R22.95 each).

The verdict:

It’s true; not all lip balm is created equal! I absolutely adore my EOS lip balm because it keeps my lips soft and moisturised for hours. It doesn’t leave an oil residue on your lips and the flavour and smell is subtle and oh-so-inviting. As for the other two options, I wasn’t a massive fan of the Dexe Bubble Lip Balm. I opted to buy the Strawberry flavour and found the fragrance and taste too overpowering. It was sickly sweet and left a terrible oily residue on my lips. The packaging also looked cheap and the quality isn’t as high as EOS. But, having said that I loved the Clicks, Oh So Heavenly version! These bubble balms are a steal and a half and leave your lips feeling smooth and soft without an over-powering smell or taste.

Save or splurge? In this case I would go for the save – but only if you’re opting for the Clicks Oh So Heavenly bubble balm. While I love EOS lip balms I must admit the Clicks version is a worthy swap. There’s no reason to pay R150 for this trendy balm when you can enjoy the same results from the more affordable alternative.

3. Invisibobble VS Dis-Chem Cosmic Options No Kink Ponytailer


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Any woman with thick hair will bemoan how useless your average hair tie really is. It takes just one or two wears and they snap like a twig they are also useless at actually keeping thick hair tied up. Enter Invisibobble – the traceless hair ring that is kind to your hair. The hair tie is made for all hair types, no matter how curly, thick, straight or thin your hair is and keeps hair just where you want it. Unlike other hair ties, Invisibobble doesn’t tug or pull your hair and it stretches to the size you need it to be with ease. The bobble gently grips your hair to keep it in place and out of your way. And, as if by magic, it also stretches back to its original shape when it’s left to its own devices – brilliant! Alas, just three of these little babies will set you back R80. That’s a lot of money for hair ties. Luckily for those thrifty ladies out there alternatives do exist! Pop to Dischem, Mr. Price and Clicks for cheaper versions of the same product.

The verdict:

I’ve tried quite a few different versions of this product including the Cosmic Options range from Dis-Chem (R39.99 for 5), Clicks, and even Mr. Price. During my research I found that while the Invisibobble came out tops of all three, the Dis-Chem version is quite a good alternative. Just keep in mind that it isn’t as stretchy as the original Invisibobble and is made from a slightly different material. The Dis-Chem version is made from a more sturdy plastic rather then the soft, super stretchy material used for the premium product. But, at half the price for almost double the amount of hair ties it’s a great way to get similar perks from the original product.

Save or splurge? This is one tough! I absolutely love Invisibobble because it’s a breeze to manage my thick, curly hair but the price tag doesn’t allow me to buy them all the time. Also, like most girls I lose hair ties super easily. I usually invest in the Invisibobble three-pack to use for gym and sports as it’s the best at keeping my hair out of my face when I need it most and then save on a 5-pack from Dischem for every day use. That way when I lose an el-cheapo bobble I don’t stress too much about wasting R25 a shot.

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