This Crazy Easy Recipe for Baked Camembert and Homemade Compote Takes 10 Minutes! [Recipe]

baked Camembert recipe

Entertaining guests can be stressful – no really, some days it feels like even putting together a snack platter for guests who are popping in for a drink can be enough to send you over the edge. So how do you impress the socks off your guests with little effort? For those days when the standard cheese, cracker and olive platter just won’t do a good host turns to baked Camembert. This recipe for Baked Camembert with Beetroot and Red Onion Compote requires very little effort and is even kitchen klutz proof. The most high-effort part of the preparation is the compote which takes only about 10 minutes!

For a wow experience pair this dish with the juicy Two Oceans Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot for a pairing that will impress all your friends.

Recipe: Baked Camembert with Beetroot and Red Onion Compote

Serves: 4
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: +- 40 minutes


Beetroot & red onion compote
2 red onions, finely sliced
1 large beetroot, peeled and finely diced (use gloves!)
1 tsp (5ml) dried tarragon
1 tsp (5ml) dried thyme
1 Tbs (15ml) olive oil
80ml Two Oceans Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot
80 ml brown sugar
2 Tbs (30 ml) Old Brown or port
Freshly ground salt and pepper to taste

Baked Camembert

2 Camembert rounds
Olive oil to drizzle
A few sprigs of thyme

To serve

See Also

Sliced baguette, toasted and rubbed with garlic and a drizzle of olive oil
Fresh thyme


In a small pot, add the onions, beetroot and herbs to the heated oil and lightly sauté for two minutes.
Add the Two Oceans Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot, sugar and sherry or port. Mix until evenly combined, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the lid and simmer over a low heat for another 15 minutes or until the liquid is sticky and reduced. Season with salt and pepper.
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Place the Camembert rounds in small skillet pans, add a sprig or two of thyme and drizzle with a little olive oil.
Season with salt and pepper. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until the cheese is of a soft, oozy consistency.
Serve immediately with the red onion and beetroot compote and crusty toasted bread/bruschetta.

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