Jeremy Proome
Jeremy is the Editor of MenStuff and has worked as a professional journalist at SA Rugby magazine, MyBroadband, MyGaming, and written for FHM and TGF Tech. Every now and then, with promises of cake we manage to lure him over to the WomenStuff offices to share his wisdom with us.

Cara, is a health blogger, fitness enthusiast, nutrition coach, wholefoods producer, and founder of the Caralishious brand. You can find Cara’s online coaching services and meal plan options as well as healthy recipes, nutrition advice, exercise tips and offers simple and sustainable ways to obtain and maintain lasting health on the Caralishious blog.

Crystal Espin
After years of working as an Editor and writer for popular websites like Joburg’s Darling, Cape Town’s Darling and Joburg.co.za, Crystal left her sanity and an established career in lifestyle journalism behind to follow her dream of creating a website for the intellectual and discerning woman. Today she spends her time chasing the thrill of being the first to know about ‘the next big thing’. She’ll try anything once and has been known to put her body, hair and health on the line – all in the name of research.

Franki Black
Franki Black is a South African travel writer living in London. She has worked in a Costa Rican jungle, on yachts in the Caribbean and in the African bushveld. In her spare time you’ll find her hiking, running or cycling somewhere in the wild, reading or playing the guitar in a band. Read more about Franki’s active adventures on www.women4adventure.com and follow her on @women4adventure.

Galia Karon
Galia was born and raised in Cape Town, she is a creative at heart with a passion for marketing and communication. Galia is an obsessive make-up lover,obsessive fashion lover and obsessive sushi-lover. She is a strong believer of story telling and is passionate about art, visual communication and writing.

James Norwood-Young
James is an Architecture student who loves all things Design, Football and Zombie related. When he isn't behind a drawing board, he is Instagramming about Johannesburg, or is commentating a Chelsea FC game from the comfort of his couch.

Jana Leonard
Born and raised in Cape Town, Jana loves the outdoors! She is happiest with her dogs and husband, while having a braai; waiting for friends to visit. She classifies herself as an intro-extrovert who loves socialising, but enjoys a good book all by herself, too. Being from Cape Town, good wine is at the top of her list of must-haves with good food being a very close second. She is overly passionate about the media and communications industries, allowing her to live, learn and play in this very exciting social field.
Kim Marais
Young, bubbly and full of curiosity, Kim is ready to take on the world! She loves experimenting with natural and DIY fixes for all her beauty needs - which is great because she's the latest WomenStuff Beauty Intern.

Nicky Smith
Nicky recently moved to Cape Town from Stellenbosch and is currently finishing her degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Stellenbosch. Nicky is a sport and fitness fanatic, appreciates good food and the outdoors, and at the same time a lover for getting all dressed up and feeling fabulous. She's always ready to learn and try something new!

Paige Webbstock
Paige has just completed her Honours in Media Theory and Practice at UCT. She is obsessed with makeup, is an avid online shopper, loves to read autobiographies; and enjoys scuba diving and learning about sharks in her spare time.

Taryn Littleton
Taryn graduated from the prestigious Silwood School of Cookery and now works as a private chef and Callanetics instructor in Cape Town. She is a mom to a 6-year old boy and loves to create healthy eats and treats for her family. She joined the WomenStuff team in 2015 with the aim of combining her love of healthy cooking and fitness.

Thakirah Allie
Thakirah is a merchant of words. She likes words. She likes them a whole lot. Legend has it that her name means to ponder and sometimes she’s caught in the act – secretly pondering about how to add more of her own glitter into this world. She’s a natural storyteller, using writing as a catalyst to tame her impossibly curious mind. You’re likely to find her scribbling somewhere, somehow to the beats of her imagination. She likes ‘girlie stuff’ and phat burgers too.

Zahirah Benjamin
Zahirah holds a Bachelor's degree in Social Science and is an aspiring young journalist. She is passionate about human rights, inclusive spaces, and female empowerment. In her free time, she can be found writing, meditating, and kickboxing.