3 Treatment Options For Overcoming Aquaphobia 

The prevalence rate of aquaphobia is 2-3% in the general population, but it’s more common in children than in adults, according to a study published on NCBI. Aquaphobia is categorised as a specific phobia that develops during childhood and becomes intense through adulthood. In most cases, people experience aquaphobia after a fall into deep waters or a bad experience during swimming activities. And if left untreated, aquaphobia can interfere with your overall well-being. That’s why you should seek professional help to ensure you overcome the fear of water and become a healthier adult. If you’re struggling with the fear of large water bodies or swimming pools, below are 3 treatment options for overcoming aquaphobia.

The Power of Medications

Typically, therapies are more effective in treating aquaphobia, but there are instances when a doctor will prescribe medications. Most physicians recommend antidepressants, beta-blockers, and benzodiazepines to reduce symptoms linked to aquaphobia. For example, benzodiazepines help reduce high levels of anxiety patients experience when exposed to water. On the other hand, beta-blockers reduce increased heart rate and high blood pressure caused by high adrenaline levels.

Psychotherapy is a Good Option

Many mental health professionals argue that specific phobias like aquaphobia are a response to a learned stimulus. And the best way to overcome it is by unlearning behaviours and avoiding preconceived fears and thoughts – such as facing the worst-case scenario of dying. To achieve the best results, therapists use psychotherapy. This approach favours both cognitive-behavioural therapy and exposure therapy. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is designed to help people eliminate negative thoughts that trigger phobic reactions. On the other hand, exposure therapy helps you cope with phobias by exposing you to feared situations. For instance, if you’re afraid of swimming, spending time near the pool can help you cope with aquaphobia. But before you can get started, you’ll need to practice relaxation techniques and visualise yourself inside a pool having fun. Next, enrol in swimming to learn the basic skills and boost your confidence in the water. Ideally, learning how to swim helps you understand factors that increase the risk of drowning and how to avoid them.

Holistic Remedies

In addition to medication and therapies, you may want to try home remedies to cope with aquaphobia. Your therapist might recommend practicing mindfulness and exercising to help manage anxiety and face your fears. You may also want to try relaxation strategies like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing to reduce anxiety linked to specific phobias.

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After an unintentional fall in deep waters or a near-drowning experience in large water bodies, you may have phobic reactions when exposed to water. Bad experiences during swimming activities can also cause a fear of water. Fortunately, you can overcome aquaphobia by taking medications, implementing psychotherapy, and making lifestyle changes.

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