3 Signs You’re Ready for a Career or Life Change


Kids are asked at a very young age what they want to be when they grow up. Of course, we don’t expect them all to still want to be astronauts, ballerinas, fire-fighters, or sports stars as they grow older. So, why then don’t we afford adults the same flexibility in their careers? Gone are the days of working for the same company for 40 years with the hopes of scoring an engraved watch and a certificate at retirement. These days it’s completely fine, and should be considered totally normal, to realise that the career you thought you’d be passionate about until retirement really isn’t working for you any more.

So how do you know if you’ve reached that point? Stephen Engels, leadership expert and author of ‘The New Success Paradigm’ shares his insights on how to read the signs.

Here are 3 subtle signs that you’re ready for a career or life change, according to Stephen Engels:

1. “You believe that there must be more to life than where you are at today!”

If you’re asking if there’s something more out there for you, then the answer is probably, yes, there is. It’s up to each of us to define what matters to us and how our careers support our purpose. At this stage in your life, you want to make a different impact in the world than your job or current life circumstances allows. Thinking about the impact you want to make on the world can help guide your career and life choices.

For example, you may like to express who you are as a leader and your current career or life circumstances don’t allow for that. You may also be of the belief that the world needs a new type of leader and want to explore that in a new way. Or, you may be asking yourself how you can actively participate in the creation of a better future for us all and want to find ways in your career or life to facilitate that.


2. “Life is a major Challenge”

Are you suffering from burnout and dreaming of a career change or a change in scenery? If you are always exhausted, and feel depleted and worn out from work or daily life then it may be time for a change. If by the end of the workday or week, you are feeling drained in every way — emotionally, mentally and physically — then you may be dealing with burnout. When you’re burned out, it feels like you need a break, like your health and sanity depend on it.

For example, you may feel like Covid-19 is wreaking havoc in your business, or life. We are living in the Covid-19 era, with lockdowns and work-from-home scenarios, that we need to contend with each day. This can lead to a feeling of burnout and the need for a change. If you’re feeling like you may be struggling with burnout then it may be time for you to revisit your objectives, which requires you to focus your efforts in the hope of achieving the successes that you aspire to.

work stress

3. “I have achieved a lot, however now I need a new challenge in my life”

Another sign you’re ready for change at work or in your personal life is a feeling that you’ve grown out of your current role at work or are looking for new challenges to take on in life. You’ve developed skills and experience over time, and you’re ready for new challenges. Sometimes an employer may simply not have the resources to be able to develop you adequately, or your current hobbies and activities just don’t feel like enough any more. If that sounds like you, then don’t be afraid to start exploring your options and make a change.

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For example, you may feel like you need to find an interesting new challenge to latch onto that allows you to make a difference to the community. You may be asking yourself the question: “How can I give something back to society?” You may also find that you get more satisfaction from giving than in receiving and want to find a way to explore that.

The New Success Paradigm by Stephen Engels

New Success Paradigm

Stephen Engels’ book The New Success Paradigm: “A Personal Leadership Discovery Platform” is centred around a metaphor of the ‘River of Life’ and in using this metaphor he develops the book’s key theme of personal leadership strategies. Whether you’re seeking guidance or are looking for a way to derive meaning from your life, or your business, this self-help guide by Engels is sure to be an inspiring read. The book takes on the form of a very effective personal leadership programme, offering the tools you need to make a change in your professional or personal life now. With its step-by-step, interactive approach, this book makes it enjoyable to contemplate success. Designed to be used alongside a very practical workbook and the highly interactive ELS LeaderApp, this book is ideal for anyone who is looking for an opportunity to better themselves.

Find out more about The New Success Paradigm here.

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