3 Must-Have Travel Gadgets to Make Your Next Trip a Breeze

Thermalay Travel Blanket

Hopping on a flight to an exotic destination for some well-deserved R&R is always a great experience, but traveling comes with its little trials and tribulations and isn’t always smooth sailing. Short-distance flights are easy enough to manage, but once you start heading to overseas, an enjoyable trip becomes a little more tricky to manage. We’re going to take a look at three clever little gadgets that might just make your next flight problem-free and all the more relaxing.

Thermalay Travel Mat

Buy them here (and remember to use Postbox Courier to get it into SA).

Airplane seats aren’t exactly the most comfortably (or hygienically) designed things in the world. They’re generally not sufficiently cushioned, and because of restricted space, they aren’t conducive to catching a lengthy nap in to kill some time. This fold-up travel mat can help alleviate some of those issues, though. It’s effectively a very cushioned seat cover that not only makes sitting in the seat more comfortable, but it has padded extensions near the neck area that make ideal foldable pillows to rest your head on. When you’re done using it, simply roll it up like a sleeping bag and it sits easily on top of your luggage.

Sleepy Ride Footrest 

Buy them here (and remember to use Postbox Courier to get it into SA).

Another issue with airplane seats is that falling asleep in a conventional seated position, or even just sitting in the same position for a prolonged period, is an uncomfortable task. This footrest attaches to the seat in front of you and gives you the ability to simulate a little bit of a lying back position by allowing you to stretch your legs more parallel to the ground. The only consideration is that taller folks might find it difficult to extend their legs out in front without playing footsie with the passenger in front of you (whether that’s a good or bad thing is up to you) – but for anyone who doesn’t normally have an issue with legroom, this will help you literally put your feet up and relax.

Vinnibag Inflatable Travel Bag

Buy them here (and remember to use Postbox Courier to get it into SA).

Keeping fragile items safe on a long trip can be a bit of a headache – especially if you’ve got the inconvenience of having a stop over and your baggage being unpacked and handled several times before you reach your destination. Assuming that fatigued baggage handlers are likely to bliksem your bag containing souvenirs or delicate goods onto the conveyer belt, this inflatable airbag can keep your valuables well protected. So whether you’re carting along a pricy camera lens or want to bring back a vintage pinotage, the Vinnibag will make sure everything stays in one piece.

See Also

A couple of these items don’t ship to South Africa, but that doesn’t have to put a damper on your shopping sprees. Postbox Courier specialises in getting packages from far and wide straight to your door, offering shipping solutions from several destinations all over the world. So if you’d like to pick up any of these items, or anything else that’s tricky to have shipped here, get in touch with them to get your goods delivered!

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